Please select the "Contact Us" button above to schedule an appointment. I work by appointment only because I leave office frequently to do Home/Business Cleansings or I'm in 60min Healing or Reading sessions.
If you need products, please place your order here and I will text you with available pickup times. Thank you for understanding.
Appointments must be paid 24 hours before scheduled appointment. If you need to cancel you must provide 24 hours in advance to receive a new appt time. I do not offer refunds if you don’t arrive at your scheduled time.
Available by appointment only Mon-Sat 10am-2pm. When placing an order please note that your transaction will be processed through Paypal even when youre using a credit card. Your credit card wull receive a bill via Paypal. My business falls under Better Body Soul or La Luna Botanica!
What to expect when coming for a Reading....
As a Medium, Psychic, Empath and Healer I can pick up several things when you first arrive or from seeing a photo or Video call. I can Channel messages from spirit, do a psychic reading or offer Mediumship services.
No, but you are welcomed and I encourage you to bring a list of questions. I also request that you come alone. If you bring family members, small children or friends it can disrupt or interfere with your reading. I advise you come alone.
No, absolutely not. I am a Medium Psychic, so I don't need any tools when I'm doing a reading for you.
Please click on "Pricing" tab above.
"Spiritual cleansing is a way to remove bad energies that are thought to cause negative health and emotional effects from the body. Depending on the tradition, these energies may go by many different names, and the removal or reordering of the energies may be done by a variety of processes."
Yes, once appointment is booked I will send you a message with items needed.
Where does your story begin?
My story began in my childhood. I was born a Psychic Medium and come from a long line of Mediums, Psychics, Curanderas. My ancestors go back to an Aztec Native tribe. My great great Grandmother was a Curandera in Mexico. I was raised by my Grandmother Olivia. She was a Psychic Medium Curandera. She taught me everything about herbs and oils and how to grow them. She could heal anyone and was very good at it.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No, definitely not. I lost many friends at a young age and did my best to not tell a soul. It was hard knowing friends would lie to me not knowing I knew the truth. When I told someone, I was immediately written off as crazy. I did my best to focus on the reality I was taught. I worked for Corporate America as a Materials Analyst Purchasing Agent. I did it for 16 years and was seeing my health spiral. I couldn't stop spirit from telling me I was not supposed to do that work. I was told I was a Curandera and needed to begin healing people. Finally in 2010 I had to do it. I tried to be conservative and opened a Cellulite Reduction Spa. As I began treating women, I immediately received instant feedback from all of them that they felt amazing and healed even though I only gave them a cellulite treatment. I began privately doing energy work on each client and would give them guidance. Suddenly I was getting more requests for guidance and healing, so next I went full time.
As a small minority business owner of almost 12 years it has been tough. There is a lot of judgement in this work especially from people who don't understand what I do. I have never professionally marketed my business, so its always been word of mouth or my own social media.
For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Hello, my name is Diane Leven. I am a Medium, Psychic, Intuitive Healer, Empath, Certified Reiki Master, Advanced ThetaHealer®, Advanced Crystal Healer and Spiritual Intuitive which helps me with healing others and offering Guidance.
Upon meeting someone for an appointment I am able to connect with your Angels, Guides and Loved Ones who have passed. I can also see upcoming events in your life for future and past traumas you may have encountered.
I offer 30 min and 60 min Readings. During these appointments, I ask that you try to clear and ground before your appointment. Write down your questions ahead of time and relax.
I also offer Cleansing's/Limpias which consist of either me using my own Cleansing tools or I may ask you to bring a few items. I am also available for House Cleansing's upon request.
For Healing appointments, they can last anywhere from 30-60 mins depending on the type of healing needed. All healing work includes Copper Pyramid and Crystal Quartz Bowl Sound Healing.
La Luna Botanica offers:
* Reiki Healing
* Crystal Healing
* Psychic Readings
* Intuitive Healings
* Mediumship
* Theta Healing
*Copper Pyramid Healing
I have a full store stocked with Herbs, Oils, Fixed Anointed Candles, Crystals, Incense & so much more!
I also offer monthly classes for New Moon/Full Moon Goddess Circles for Men & Women, Classes in Awakening, Healing, Self Love, Mantras, Manifesting, Clearing and Cleansing yourself of Negative Energies.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Listening!! It's important to listen to everyone who reaches out to me. As an empath I can immediately read a person and know if they're suffering or lost.
For questions or requests for readings, healing's or cleansing's please send me a message. I will get back to you soon.
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By Appointment Only!